Informacje o Ballu |
Dołączył: |
2016-09-09 |
Ostatnia wizyta: |
2025-01-07, 18:36 |
Razem postów: |
524 (0.17 postów dziennie | 3.72 procent wszystkich postów)
(Znajdź wszystkie posty)
Razem wątków: |
105 (0.03 wątków dziennie | 8.05 procent wszystkich wątków)
(Znajdź wszystkie wątki)
Spędzony czas online: |
1 Tydzień, 6 Dni, 19 Godzin, 28 Minut, 34 Sekund |
Poleconych użytkowników: |
8 |
Total Likes Received: |
0 (0 per day | 0 percent of total 1154)
Total Likes Given: |
0 (0 per day | 0 percent of total 1154)
Reputacja: |
[Szczegóły] |
Dodatkowe informacje o Ballu |
Sex: |
Undisclosed |
Ballu's Most Liked Post |
Ballu has no liked post at the moment. |
Ballu's Received and Given Likes |
Likes Received |
Likes Given |
Last week |
0 |
0 |
Last month |
0 |
0 |
Last 3 months |
0 |
0 |
Last 6 months |
0 |
0 |
Last 12 months |
0 |
0 |
All Time |
0 |
0 |
Most liked by |
Ballu has not yet been liked. |
Most liked |
Ballu has not yet liked. |